We've had major road construction going on AROUND us for more than a week now...... we know what the plans are and we know exactly what they'll be doing to our yard. They've done our across-the-street neighbors already, and are working two houses down currently. Tomorrow they'll probably do our next door neighbors and then we'll be up. I'm nervous.
They're digging a trench all along the outside of both sides of the road to install drain pipes beside the roads underground. The problem with our yard is that we have 4 beautiful large mature maple trees in a row along the road, maybe 3 feet in. Not to mention an entire landscaped bed that runs the length of our property along the road. This was not my choice, it was how it was when we bought the place and I never would have put it there if this had been my house 30 years ago. For exactly stuff like this. But it's there and is in the path of destruction. I'm not so concerned about the landscaped area because that can always be fixed, but the root damage that is sure to happen to the trees is disturbing. I can only hope that it won't kill the trees, but I do not have high hopes about it. They will be digging VERY close and VERY deep next to the base of the trees.
So here we are posing in the scoop of the backhoe, the very one that may kill our beautiful trees. It's a bittersweet picture for me. The new road that they're building is MUCH needed and it will be wonderful not to go thru the roof of the car as we drive down our road. I am pretty sure this road has not been paved or repaired in the 33 years since it was built. But I will be beyond sad if our trees die--they are really beautiful. I hate to see mature trees destroyed.