On Monday, Dave took the day off, and so he took the kids hiking at Mt. Uncanoonuc here in Goffstown. It's a great hike for the kids, closeby, and generally they enjoy it. Dave takes them to the convenience store on the way and lets them pick out a special snack that they get to eat at the top, and that's pretty much all the motivation they need. Will hike a mountain for Doritos and Cheetos!
While they were gone for a couple of hours, I worked on my mulch outside in the yard, and planting flowers and stuff. Spring is here! So nice to be outside and watching things coming back to life after the horrible, horrible winter.
The kids were already tired from their hike, but after supper and their video game time (which is from 5:30-7:00 each evening and is the most cherished time of day for them), Dave took them swimming at the YMCA. They enjoy going later at night because there's not many people there, and in fact, Parker ran into his friend Noah, so they spent an extra long time there that night playing, and they didn't get home until the pool closed at 9:30!! Which is really late for them. They are normally in bed by 8:30. So they came home completely wound up and excited and it was hard to get them mellowed out for bed. They were fried the next day from staying up so late.