Yes, it's still snowing way up here in New Hampshire. (photo by Dave) This was Friday morning (today). We're also supposed to get another Nor'easter on Sunday/Monday but hopefully they're saying it should be rain instead of snow. Flooding rain, yes, but I'd much rather take that than another foot of snow. Dave said he would put me on suicide watch if it snows again.
We've started watching the new show "Notes from the Underbelly." It is freaky. It's like our life right now. After the first segment, during the commercial all we could say was "wow." It's about a couple who decided to have baby and all the should we/shouldn't we stuff and all the crazy stuff that goes with pregnancy and making room for baby yadda yadda yadda. It was like all the conversations that Dave and I have had, and the people that we know, all kinds of stuff. I guess it's universal. TOO funny.
I'm trying not to get sick with the creeping crud that is everywhere at work. People are dropping like flies with this nasty cold that includes a fever and being laid up for a week. People come in moaning about how they have a fever, and I'm just muttering to myself, "get away from the pregnant lady...." I haven't been sick yet and I hope it stays that way because I can't take anything if I do.
Oh!! And also! If any of you are big fans of the Gordidas dinner kits (yuuuuummmm) you will know the glory of the zesty ranch sauce that comes with it.... too bad it only comes with one foil packet of it. Well, now your wishes have been granted! Dave found THIS at the grocery store yesterday. No more fighting over the last of the baggie. I can't seem to find a picture of it. But it's beautiful in an inverted squeeze bottle.